Think of it as a candidate assessment - on steroids!
The Profile SA Assessment is the best way to assess sales talent and job match.
After using many of the sales assessment tools on the market, we felt that they all lacked a certain something. That "something" was the ability to measure salespeople against top perfomers in similar jobs, and reliably predict performance based on fitting the employee to the job. Through an alliance with Job Match Assessment, Inc., we are able to offer you the finest assessment we've found - with a little something extra.
The Concept:
The SA Report is a multi-purpose, “Total Person” employee assessment used for selection, development, training, managing, and succession planning. This employee assessment measures how well an individual fits specific jobs in your organization, and the results can be used during the pre-employment training or succession planning stages. The XT is also customizable, and peak job performance models can be developed by company, position, manager or geography.
The SA Report is used as a pre-hire report to find the best matched candidate for a particular job. It is also used to help develop job descriptions, performance models, and metrics. We use it frequently to assess current salespeople and their "fit" to the sales model and needs. The assessment also comes with a report designed to help you manage and coach people to their maximum effectiveness.
The SA measures 20 key performance indicators, categorized by Thinking Style, Behavioral Styles, and Job Interests. A composite psychometric Profile is formed that helps you understand the "whole person" behind the person. As an improvement, the SA also measures Seven Critical Sales Behaviors that can contribute to, or detract from, success.
The XT gives you not one, but four important reports on the person tested, including:
- Job Summary Graph - see the person's key measurements at a glance.
- Job Placement Report - Challenge Areas - see how the candidate measures as an applicant; provides helpful interview questions based on assessment results.
- Performance Model Comparison - an "owner's manual" for how to coach and train the person to maximum performance.
- Individual Report - designed for the candidate to understand his/her own key indicators.
The Bonus:
Get the XT report from SalesForce Solutions, and you get something you cannot get anywhere else: Troy Harrison's own guide to the XT as well as individualized feedback on each person assessed!